Sustainable Plastics Live/GRIPS 2023 | Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, UK | 10-11 May 2023
Mike Moseley

Mike is a professional Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years of experience in the construction products industry. He has worked in many areas of the business from design engineering, product development, sales & marketing and education & training. Some of his key product involvements included polymer insulators used on Southern regions 3rd rail system, solar thermal and waste heat storage systems, and ground source energy from tunnels. Developing innovation in the construction industry is key to the future growth & strength of the UK construction. Since joining Innovate UK KTN, Mike has been responsible for a range of projects in the construction industry, including encouraging innovation in the built environment, digital construction and led i3P (Infrastructure, Industry Innovation Partnership) the successor the Crossrail’s Innovate 18 program, facilitating collaborative innovation across the infrastructure industry. Mike now works across a wide range of construction projects using his vast range of contacts supporting SME’s & Larger organisation’s journey to new innovative partnerships and collaborations.